'Goths' a Growing Problem
Adherent says teens who were around Dietz at W.V. party 'were just dumb.'
Recently in the news there has been a concern involving the "Gothic" subculture, specifically due to the death of a teen who was involved with the group I believe this sad event is only the beginning of a growing problem. I am concerned at some of the information presented in the articles that I have read. There have been statements from some "Goths" that these kids are simply rebellious and are going through a phase and not into Satanic worship, self-mutilation, rituals and some of the other things Goths have been accused of. As someone who has started to research this subject, I must disagree. I have looked at articles from papers across the United States about kids involved in this culture. A recent case was in Florida where some teens killed their parents and then drank their blood. Valley Junior High recently saw this topic as such a concern that officials there had a police officer come and speak to parents. The Gothic movement itself is a very dark, self-destructive course, designed to tear down personal and family morals. It glorifies everything that is dark and degrades everything that is good.
Unfortunately, for the parents involved with teens of this cult, there don't seem to be any answers or help available. Please don't dismiss this as just a harmless phase. My husband and I have watched over the past year as our two beautiful, intelligent children have succumbed to this lifestyle. We have watched them lose interest in school and become involved in alcohol and drugs. We have found remnants of satanic rituals done in their rooms. We have seen them take razor blades and carve symbols all over their bodies. We have watched them turn away from their family and friends who love them, to embrace everything that is dark and evil. Please don't tell me this is just a "phase." Please don't tell me there is no danger. I will most emphatically have to disagree. We need to start addressing this problem right now.
Nancy Rector, West Valley City UT